2011 Artists

2011 Artists: Kathy Brusnighan, Jean Smith, Karen Newman Fridy, Phyllis Sharpe, Tom Edgerton, Scott Harris, Carol Hamlin, Vicki Johnson, Carol Meetz-Moates, Connie Logan, Jeanne Twilley, Alice Bachman,Rose Wenkle, Beverly Smith Wilson, Amos Westmoreland, Ron Curlee

2015 Artists: Kathy Brusnighan, Jean Smith, Phyllis, Karen newman Fridy, Vicki Johnson, Carol Meetz-Moates, Amos Westmoreland, Amy Cruz, Karl Fletcher, Nicci Mellor, Grace Carol Bomer, Pattie Anne Hale, Karen Shelton, Jeremy Sams, Sally Lambrecht, Wayne Epperly, Chip Bristol, Lee O'Hare, Sheila Williams, Carrie Bennett, Kathy Ammon

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A New Opportunity

Christmas is right around the corner, things are very quiet and today I got an email listing an opportunity to be considered to show in Cary. Never shown in Cary before..but my interest is
now peaked so I am going to apply for 2013. How would ever have thought that we would be scheduling shows in advance! How life changes!
I am so proud of all of the work that is now hanging at Randolph! We have had such a response from patients and staff. We are touching hearts and making a difference one person at a time and I am very thankful for each of you!
The show will come down in just a few weeks and we will be on our way to Winston Salem. We have already heard from Forsyth and they are really looking forward to the exhibit.
Of course, I am thinking about the dates to take the show down and deliver it to Forsyth already..
and sending out the next email to encourage the next wave of paintings that will be needed for the 2 exhibits in April, May and June. I hope you are all thinking about your next statement of color!
while I am thinking of extending the show if we can....another hospital, hopefully another group of people that can be encouraged right where they stand.

Monday, December 12, 2011

New Location

Hi Everyone,
It seems that we are finally heading to a good schedule for the exhibits and locations. Having to start out with so many switched dates and locations, it looks like the coming year is set and we can plan our take downs and relocations for 2012.

A portion of the exhibit is at Randolph Hospital through the end of December. I have heard from the wonderful people there that they are really pleased with the exhibit. The response has been the best of any exhibit they have had and I hope that really pleases and encourages all of the artists that are involved this time. The patients and the staff have been very touched by the exhibit and that is the purpose, so thank you to everyone!

In a few weeks the show will be moving to Forsyth Cancer Center in Winston Salem.
The entire exhibit will be there for 3 months.